Hi Hanny,
You've reached the mailing list for supporting people who install GBrowse,
the software that powers the peach genome browser that you're using. Since
there appear to be several organizations that have made peach genomes
available via GBrowse, I can't even know which one your asking about.
Please find the contact information for the site you're using and ask them
about the data they're providing.
Post by Hanny ElsadrHello,
My name is Hanny, I am contacting you from the University fo Guelph.
In version 1.0 of the prunus persica GBrowse software I am able to see all
of the genetically mapped markers on the scaffold. I am unable to see this
in version 2.1. How can I see the genetically mapped markers in version 2.1?
Thank You
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Gmod-gbrowse mailing list
Scott Cain, Ph. D. scott at scottcain dot
GMOD Coordinator (http://gmod.org/) 216-392-3087
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research