[Gmod-gbrowse] New install of Gbrowse in Centos6.4 and problem to access the example yeast database
2017-04-14 01:18:12 UTC
Hi, Scott

I have newly installed the Gbrowse2 in the Centos6.4.
In the process of installing Gbrowse2 using CPAN, there seems an error
about the DBI connection, and I forced to install the Gbrowse2. However,
after install, I cannot access the webservice although I close the firewall
and open the port 80. Since it seems that Gborwse2 installing process
changed the httpd.conf file, so I just recovered the backup httpd.conf file
using the httpd.conf.bak file which seems to generate by gbrowse2
installing. After that, webservice works fine, and I can acess the gbrowse2
page. However, when I click the example yeast database, it shows an
"internal server error", and unable to access it. I checked the httpd error
logs, it likes bellow (IP address is hidden):

[Fri Apr 14 09:33:43 2017] [error] [client] Undefined
subroutine &Bio::Graphics::Browser2::Render::multi_param called at
/usr/local/lib64/perl5/Bio/Graphics/Browser2/Render.pm line 2361., referer:
[Fri Apr 14 09:33:43 2017] [error] [client] Premature end of
script headers: gbrowse, referer: http://159.226.1xx.1xx/gbrowse2/

So, I dont know is the issue comes from the installing of Gbrowse2 or from
the misconfiguration of httpd.conf, and how to let the gbrowse2 works?

Thank you very much.

