[Gmod-gbrowse] Time is short: GMOD related talks at PAG
Scott Cain
2015-11-03 14:28:07 UTC
Hi All,

I realize time is short for this: there is a hard deadline of November 6
for entering speakers for the Plant and Animal Genomes meeting in January
2016. If you would like to give a talk in the GMOD section of the meeting,
please get me a title and brief description (an abstract would be good but
not required) by November 5. The talk can take the form of a project
update, user "story" or interpretive dance. Speakers get early
registration discount no matter when they register, so if you haven't
registered yet, it would be like getting $100 off.

Sorry for the short notice, and I look forward to seeing in San Diego!
Scott Cain, Ph. D. scott at scottcain dot
GMOD Coordinator (http://gmod.org/) 216-392-3087
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research